Monday, September 30, 2013

Psoriasis skin problem

What is Psoriasis Treatments
Psoriasis : Symptoms , Treatment , Causes

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatitis , which is persistent and durable , which causes inflammation of the skin .The disease occurs in all age groups and affects men and women in equal proportions , but affects mainly adults ( average of the first attack takes place between 15 and 25 years).
Affects about 1-2 % of the population , with slight differences depending on the country .

About 15% of people with psoriasis suffer from inflammation of the joints that causes the symptoms of arthritis. This disease is called psoriatic arthritis.


Recent research suggests that psoriasis is a disease that probably originates from the immune system. Of the immune system are part of special blood cells that identify and destroy foreign bodies, such as viruses and bacteria , and are called white blood cells ( or leukocytes) . White blood cells are of two types: T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes , T lymphocytes when identifying a substance or a foreign body attack it. When B lymphocytes identify a foreign body produce instead of specific chemicals called antibodies , they attach to the foreign body and destroy it. 

 Psoriasis causes abnormal activity of the immune system , and in particular of T-lymphocytes , as regards the skin . T cells cause inflammation of the skin and cause the skin cells reproduce themselves in an unusual way and excessive .

About one- third of cases of psoriasis is hereditary . The researchers are studying families with psoriasis to identify the genes underlying the disease.

The cutaneous manifestation cycle improves and then deteriorate again , among the conditions that can cause deterioration are:

climate change,
infections ,
the dryness of the skin,
beta blockers drugs ( commonly used to treat hypertension),
lithium (a medicine for the treatment of depression).



The skin patches form thickened and reddened , covered with scales of gray. The scales are due to the fact that the cells in the upper layer of the skin reproduce faster than normal and then accumulate on the surface , usually are called plaques and often cause itching and burning. The skin at the joints may crack . The lesions may occur in different size and severity, from small areas to areas so extensive as to become a debilitating problem .

In most cases, psoriasis affects the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back , face, palms of hands and soles of the feet , but can affect the skin in any area of the body can also affect the fingernails and toenails , and the soft tissues of the mouth and genital area. The lesions do not cause permanent scarring.

People with psoriasis may also suffer from other disorders , among which we find pain and itching , difficulty moving joints and emotional stress.

Doctors usually diagnose the disease after a thorough skin analysis, however, the diagnosis can be difficult because psoriasis often looks like other skin diseases . The doctor may want to perform a biopsy, or take a sample of skin, which will be examined by a pathologist under a microscope.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis can occur in several forms , the most common are :

the most common form is plaque psoriasis : in this form the lesions are red at the base and scaly grayish skin .

Guttate psoriasis .
Appear small lesions on the abdomen, chest, back , legs and scalp . Guttate psoriasis usually is unleashed after bacterial infections , such as strep .
Pustular psoriasis .
Appear on the skin blisters filled with pus , but they are not infectious in nature . Attacks of pustular psoriasis may be triggered by medical treatment, infections , stress or exposure to certain chemicals . Pustular psoriasis can affect areas of the skin not extensive or otherwise vast.

Psoriasis reversed.
They form large plaques , dry , smooth and bright red in the folds of the skin near the genitals , under the breast or under the armpits . The inverted psoriasis is linked to an increased sensitivity to friction and sweating and can be very painful and cause severe itching.
Erythrodermic psoriasis .
The skin has large red and scaly patches that often cause itching or pain. Erythrodermic psoriasis can be caused by severe sunburn or from certain medications.

Care and Treatment

The therapy of psoriasis depends on:

severity of the disorder ,
extension of the affected areas ,
type of psoriasis ,
goodness of the response to initial therapy .

Available therapies are as follows , and are usually just taken in this order:

topical drug ( applied directly to the skin) ,
phototherapy (treatment using light beams ) ,
systemic therapy , or taking medication orally or by injection.

With the passage of time, the skin affected by psoriasis can develop resistance to therapy , especially if this is done with topical corticosteroids . Moreover , a therapy that is effective for a patient , it may not be so for another . An approach by trial and error can usually help the doctor to find an effective therapy . Occasionally , you may need to change your treatment .
Topical medicines

The drugs applied directly to the skin often are able to regress psoriasis.

Ointments based on corticosteroids (cortisone ) conditions can improve psoriasis , but will not disappear completely . Steroids are effective, but when used in excessive amounts or for too long a period can also worsen the disease . The drugs for topical use based on vitamin D3 analogues or chemical ( such as calcipotriol , Dovonex ® and Psorcutan ® for example ) can keep under control the overproduction of skin cells and can reverse the symptoms.

The topical medicines that contain retinoids, substances derived from vitamin A, can help keep psoriasis under control . Their action is not as quick as that of ointments with corticosteroids , but have fewer side effects. Women of childbearing age should use birth control methods , however, during therapy with retinoids. Among other topical medicines include: coal ore , the anthralin and salicylic acid.

Other topical medicines , such as solutions for the bathroom and moisturizing lotions may relieve symptoms, but usually not enough to make the lesions disappear forever .

The ultraviolet ( UV) radiation emitted by the sun destroy the T lymphocytes of the skin, in this way the inflammation regresses and slows the overproduction of cells that causes the appearance of scales on the skin ; for milder forms of psoriasis is possible to use a therapy which makes use of artificial light , more controlled .

There are two types of UV rays , UVA and UVB . Phototherapy with UVB using artificial light sources , while the psoralen and UVA rays can be combined in the so-called therapy P.UVA . The psoralen is a drug that can be taken orally or topically that makes the body more sensitive to UV light , however , if the therapy lasts for too long, increases the risk of skin cancer . Finally, there is a particular type of laser as suitable for treating psoriasis in intensity from mild to average: lasers have a higher accuracy in irradiating the diseased skin .
systemic therapy

For more severe forms of psoriasis, the best option is to hire systemic drugs , orally or by injection , among these are:


Immunosuppressive drugs can have significant side effects , for example, it is possible that children conceived by patients taking this type of medication present abnormalities .

Retinoids , also used systemically, are chemically similar to vitamin A : Because this drug can also cause birth defects , women should use some method of contraception from a month before therapy , up to three years after its conclusion .

The biotech therapy is a modern alternative for the treatment of psoriasis , among these are: the Amevive ®, Raptiva ® and Enbrel ® . It is injectable immunosuppressant drugs , some have to be injected under the skin, other intramuscularly or intravenously directly . Because biologic drugs are immunosuppressants, may increase the risk of infections and cancers, including most common side effects are rare and serious blood abnormalities and autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Among the other common side effects are flu-like symptoms , pain and inflammation in the area where the medicine was injected .

Some dermatologists prescribe a therapy based exclusively on biological drugs , others prefer to prescribe them in combination with topical therapies . Some drugs, such as Enbrel , are effective in the treatment of arthritis that can accompany psoriasis.

What is Psoriatic Arthritis? HealthiNation

Psoriasis : 10 Natural Remedies
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease whose main symptom is the appearance on the skin, especially of the arms, hands, legs and face, dry flakes of whitish , below which the skin is reddened and inflamed. Knees, elbows, scalp and soles of the feet are one of the areas most affected by the nuisance , which may be accompanied by burning and itching.

Psoriasis is not contagious and can appear in the event that there is a genetic alteration , which is transmitted by inheritance , with the intervention of environmental factors and psycho - emotional triggers. Are there any natural remedies to deal with the symptoms of psoriasis ? And ' possible to cure that disease ?

1 ) Method Kousmine

The method Kousmine deals with preventing and combating autoimmune diseases through diet and proved to be effective in improving the immune system responses . Maximum Bianchissi , previously psoriasis, recounted their experience of healing from disease through a book that bears the title of "How are cured of psoriasis" , through the method of the Kousmine Pagano method , also based on nutrition .

2 ) Exposure to the sun

Exposure to the sun , generally , individuals with psoriasis can benefit . It may happen that the same doctors advise in order to obtain an improvement of the symptoms of psoriasis , unless they are not in that 5 % of cases in which the exposure to sunlight will cause the deterioration . By doctors it can be regarded as an adjuvant of conventional therapies .

3 ) Sports

The sport that provides for the holding of strenuous physical activity may be an ally to be reckoned with in the prevention of psoriasis. In the opinion of the experts it would be able to act positively on the state of inflammation of the body is on stress , which could be highlighted in some cases between the joint causes the onset of psoriasis. Sergio Chimenti , Director of the Dermatological Clinic of the Policlinico Tor Vergata University of Rome, has suggested that sport can act both on the inflammatory state general stress , relax and ease the tensions may be beneficial to patients.

4 ) Ayurveda

Ayurveda , the ancient Indian medicine , provides for purification treatments of the body in order to improve the symptoms of psoriasis , accompanied by the use of oils and healing balms specifically designed to reduce noise . The Ayurvedic therapies for psoriasis may provide yoga exercises and meditation, to mitigate stress. There may also be some information regarding the power supply , relating to the foods to be preferred and to avoid.

5 ) Thermal waters

Among the therapies that can be beneficial in case of psoriasis there is balneotherapy and hydrothermal treatment . It involves the use of thermal waters, with a preference for the sulfur springs or the bicarbonate - calcium with magnesium . It is a therapy considered particularly suitable for patients with mild psoriasis , as well as for those who prefer to try to reduce or avoid the use of drugs particularly strong .

6) Salt Caves

Therapy based on the salt caves , or haloterapia , initially proposed at the beauty centers , given their positive results on psoriasis starts to be present even in hospitals . The haloterapia would be particularly suitable for patients suffering from psoriasis that in the case of eczema, dermatitis and respiratory diseases.

7) Herbal treatments

Among the herbal treatments considered beneficial to alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis , there are preparations that plan to be formulated on the basis of the use of all-natural ingredients . Among them we find the aloe vera, already known for its soothing power against our skin , as well as licorice , chamomile and cayenne pepper , which is extracted from a substance called capsacina .

8) Vegetable oils

Jojoba oil and macadamia oil are indicated within the natural remedies for psoriasis as rich emollient, antioxidant and protective . In particular, they help to prevent inflammation , thanks to the presence of an unsaponifiable fraction . Another considered useful vegetable oil is made from the oil of sweet almonds . Do not forget, finally, the neem oil .

9) Herbal tea elder

Herbal teas allow to extract useful components from plants present within them and their intake through food. A natural remedy that can be recommended in the case of psoriasis is made from a herbal elderberry , in order to cure the skin from the inside , as it is believed able to generate a powerful purification of the organism at both internal that the epidermis.

10 ) Sludge

psoriasis sludge

To counter the symptoms of psoriasis , in addition to treatment with thermal water , would be helpful the use of sludge lagoon , similar to the Dead Sea mud . By treatment with sludge rich in calcium, iodine, magnesium and bromine can benefit patients suffering from psoriasis , as well as individuals suffering from gout , arthritis or rheumatism .